Smeg! another drinking game
The Rules:
This game is very simple so you don't need to be a absolute red dwarf die hard fan to get to grips with it.(although it may help if you know what videos are the best ones to watch for the quickest and most histerical games. My recommendation is the whole of series iv for the best results!) 1)Have a glass full when the video is started
2)Each person playing must choose one of the following characters
3)Each time one of the follwing things are mentioned by your character then take one sip out of your glass
Drink every time
Lister has a Lager
Every time someone insults Rimmer.twice, every time he insults someone back.
Every time Rimmer does something mean to someone else.
One drink for each embarrassing fact exposed about him. (e.g. his middle name)
Also, every time he mentions one of his hobbies or interests (e.g 20thCentury Telegraph poles.)
One for every whinge about being dead (or being a hologram)
Drink whats in your glasswhen Rimmer shows his love of military battles or mentions a great battle.
A drink for each Space Corp Directive mis-quoted.
Drink down to half your glass when Rimmer gets a space core directive correct.
Ace Rimmer:
Whenever Ace Rimmer says: "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
One drink whenever Ace calls Lister "Skipper".
Or whenever anyone says "What a guy!" about Ace Rimmer.
One drink if the Cat mentions an "old cat saying".
Take a big slurp when Cat mention his favourite pastimes
Drink each time the Cat makes a yelp sound
Have a drink when he wants to go out with any woman
Finish your drink when the Cat praises his own good looks.
One drink everytime he has a costume change
Finish another glass or two if Duane Dibbley shows up.
drink a sip each time Kryten has to explain something to someone
Drink whenever he is seen ironing, cooking or doing the laundry.
Have a glass every time Kryten's head is described (e.g. "amusingly shaped ice-cube")
A drink for each time he corrects a Space Corp Directive quoted by Rimmer.
One per each add-on appliance that he can attach mentioned Double if he mentions accidentally welding his groinal socket to something.
Drink for each "old android saying".
Every time he speaks something in binary (e.g. 000111011011101...)
A drink for each time he offers to kill himself for doing something stupid
there are some other additional rules
1)There may be more than one character of the same type playing (i.e there may be three rimmers)
2)every time someone says smeg Everybodymust finish there drinks.
ihope that you enjoy this game. It certainly livens up watching all the red dwarf videos again
This page is © 1997 to David Darlow